Chronic fatigue and stress, unbalanced diet, chronic diseases and age-related changes lead to a decrease in sexual desire in men. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many remedies that normalize potency so that sex life remains normal. In addition, there are natural aphrodisiacs, natural medicines and even electronic stimulants.
Male potency
Erectile function is extremely important for men's health. Without full potential it is impossible to imagine the psychological and physical well-being of any man. Potency is the ability to have sex that does not depend on the state of reproductive health. The function of an erection conventionally includes three main stages: arousal (the body's physiological response to psychological and tactile factors), erection (a state of arousal in which muscle fibers contract and blood flows to the tissues of the penis), and ejaculation. (The last stage of arousal, with relaxation of muscle tissue, blood flows and ejaculation occurs).
Men often complain of erectile dysfunction or its short duration. This can be caused by external, internal factors or age-related changes. The most common external factors include poor quality drinking water and unfavorable environmental conditions, the negative impact of radiation and electromagnetic fields, professional activities associated with harmful conditions for the body. Internal causes are usually related to lack of physical activity, various diseases and injuries, as a result of which the genitals lose the ability to perform their functions normally and blood circulation in the pelvis is disrupted.
Signs of dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which the firmness, volume of the penis is insufficient for sexual intercourse. In most cases, the reasons for the impossibility of sexual contact are neuropsychiatric disorders (depression, neurosis, etc. ). It is a psychogenic disorder. If the disorder is caused by various diseases and inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, endocrine diseases, then doctors talk about organic dysfunction. Also, insufficient erections are possible while taking many medications: Depression medications, anti-cancer drugs, antihypertensives, CNS depressants, etc. Sh.
Psychogenic erectile dysfunction is characterized by sudden onset and periodicity (depending on the situation). At the same time, morning or night erections are fully protected. The disorder is related to a kind of stress. If an erection has occurred, then the tension in the penis during psychogenic disorders continues throughout the contact. Organic erectile dysfunction is characterized by a gradual onset. The disorder is progressive and persistent, related to medication or a specific disease. At the same time, morning erections are also not observed and tension can disappear even during sexual intercourse.
Problems with potency can affect men of absolutely any age. During erectile dysfunction, sexual desire weakens and arousal is more difficult than before, sexual intercourse does not last long, as premature ejaculation can occur. There are problems with achieving an erection and / or its duration, and during intercourse there are difficulties in achieving orgasm. You should consult a sexologist at the first symptoms of the disorder. Your doctor will help you eliminate the cause of the disorder and select the optimal potency stimulator for a particular case. In case of detection of a specific disease, appropriate treatment will also be prescribed.
Potential stimulators
All drugs that stimulate erection are divided into several groups. In general, synthetic and natural can be distinguished. Natural potency stimulants for men are presented with herbal preparations. These can be dietary supplements as well as foods that increase potency levels. Synthetic stimulants are sold in pharmacies. These are medications used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Each method has a number of advantages, so both synthetic and natural potential stimulants can be used equally successfully in the course of therapy. Usually, doctors recommend starting a lifestyle change and enriching the diet with natural aphrodisiacs and only then resort to medication. This, of course, unless there are diseases of the reproductive system. In the latter case adequate treatment is required. Various types of penile stimulators and pumps (highly intelligent pumps) can also be used to improve erections.
It is necessary to consult a doctor (urologist or sexologist) before using any synthetic means, as the cause of impaired potency can be a serious pathology of the reproductive system or an acute inflammatory process. Timely medical care cures pathology and restores the former health of the male reproductive system.
Menu correction
You may not need to watch a rating of male potency stimulants if you normalize your diet, give up bad habits, and engage in possible sports. Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body (including the reproductive system). A properly formulated diet can help prevent further progression of erectile dysfunction.
To improve the erection you should add any kind of meat to the menu. The most beneficial for health are lean meat dishes cooked with spices, herbs and spices. Any seafood is good, especially crabs, lobsters, mussels, shrimps and shrimp. The best potential stimulants for men that nature has only given are nuts. You can use almonds, peanuts, walnuts, nuts. Pomegranate, avocado, orange and fig do not fall short of the drugs in effectiveness.
The inclusion of animal fats in the menu is mandatory. They should make up at least thirty-five percent of the daily diet. Also very important are spices, seasonings and herbs. Particularly useful are nutmeg, garlic, celery, onion, basil, protein, horseradish, parsley and dill. We need eggs, mushrooms and dairy products. It is an important source of protein. Plant dust has a positive effect on male sexual function, so you should spend more time in nature.
Natural stimulants
What potential stimulants are better for men? Of course, the use of natural products is safer than fully synthetic preparations. Natural stimulants are divided into dietary supplements (biologically active supplements) and combined herbal preparations. Such stimulants contain large amounts of vitamins, beneficial trace elements and essential amino acids that have a positive effect on the general condition of the male reproductive system.
Unlike conventional pharmacological agents, natural potency stimulants for men differ in the need for long-term use. Most funds need to be taken one to two capsules a day for a month. Already during treatment, men may notice a significant improvement in erectile function and the condition of the entire reproductive system. But there are pills that are enough to take before sex to activate blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system, or to increase potency.
Folk recipes
Which potency stimulator is better? Stimulation by natural remedies is the most common and rapid way to restore the functions of the reproductive system. The following stimulants are completely safe and will not harm men's health. You can use ginseng alcohol tincture, which is sold in any pharmacy. It is enough to open thirty drops in a glass of water and take it twice a day. The duration of treatment should be at least one month.
Dubovnik is used as a decoction. Four to five tablespoons of dry raw material should be poured into two cups of boiling water and then left for 30 minutes to settle. After the decoction is taken three times a day. Motherwort is boiled in 0. 5 liters of boiling water per tablespoon of raw material. After that the broth should be left for six to eight hours. The finished product is taken in half a cup three times a day.
If the penis does not come in an erect state, then it is necessary to first give up bad habits. This applies to smoking and drinking alcohol. A maximum of a few glasses of red wine or beer per week is allowed. Such a dose will not harm reproductive health and will not affect erection in any way.
Synthetic stimulants
What are the best potential stimulants for men? You can use synthetic drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring potency. The main action of pharmacological agents is to ensure blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system. Because of this the penis tightens, making sex possible. So the best potential stimulants for men are best used to get the maximum benefit and eliminate the minimum side effects.
It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of which potential stimulant is better. Importantly, medications for patients older than 60 years may differ significantly from those offered for younger men. There is something specific for everyone. It is advisable to choose medication with your doctor.
Rating of stimulants
The rating of potency stimulants is presented by well-known drugs of synthetic origin.
- Sildenafil based. The duration of action of the medication is about 5-6 hours. The medication should be taken one hour before sex, the action begins forty-five minutes after taking the capsule. Intake is not dependent on food intake and does not cause addiction.
- Tadalafil based. Medication should be taken 30-40 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of action is at least one day, after which all components of the drug are eliminated from the body naturally.
- Vardenafil based. It also does not depend. Differ in long-acting. The effect of taking lasts for 10-12 hours. It is necessary to take the medication one hour before the scheduled sex. It can be taken with alcohol, but certainly within reasonable limits.
Independent use of any stimulant of synthetic origin is prohibited. It is necessary to consult a doctor, because stimulating an erection is a serious intervention, which is carried out with appropriate medication only after consultation and a thorough examination. They are prescribed by a doctor after examining the clinical picture.
Be sure to read the instructions before using any medication. The use of a synthetic stimulant is allowed no more than two or three times a week. Only in this case can a man hope for a long-term positive effect. All medicines work on the same principle. The drug normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs so that the penis tightens. Thanks to this, sexual contact is possible. It is important to remember about the contraindications. So, stimulants should not be taken for men with diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, oncology. Be sure to consult your doctor before use.
Creams and ointments
Male potency stimulants are available not only in the form of tablets but also in the form of ointments or creams for external use. The remedies work on the same principle as medicines for oral administration, but the advantage is a quick effect and an exclusively local effect. The only possible side effects are allergic reactions, i. e. rash, redness or swelling. The cream takes effect in five to ten minutes.
Magnetic and electronic simulators
Such devices improve blood circulation, ensure blood circulation in the penis. Magnetic and electronic stimulators can be purchased at specialist medical equipment stores or pharmacies.